Channeled Messages.

  • “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

    The time is upon you for mass healings. It is the end of a cycle, as you are witnessing in your world right now. You are making room for the new energies that are upon you, but before you are able to integrate them, it is important that you take time to heal. You must clear out the old, lower energy frequencies that still linger in and around you. You must spend time reflecting on your lives, your upsets, and your wounds. You must see where you are still holding onto victim mentalities, or are holding grudges. When you are upset or angry, it is because you believe that someone else holds power over you. You believe that they have the power to disturb your peace, to inflict harm or pain upon you. They do not possess the power to do these things unless you give your power over to them. You are responsible for your experience, and it is your mind that creates your perception and therefore your experience. And you do have control over your mind. The mind may seem to be this tricky aspect of your body that has control over you; it does not. You are the one in control, and you hold the power over yourself and your life.

    So again, take time to turn inward, and address those wounds that still exist within you. These wounds, these areas of darkness or stagnant energy, cannot be carried with you into the fifth dimension. Your fifth dimensional bodies will be of much more light, and you will not be able to take these wounds with you into them. Yet that does not mean that there is no value in your wounds as they exist within you now. They offer you opportunities to learn, grow, and heal. We do not want you to skip over aspects of consciousness expansion. Ascension, or elevation to the fifth dimension is indeed an expansion or upleveling of consciousness. It requires you to take a look, and open yourselves up to perceive things differently. Shed some light on the darkness, on your limited understandings. Be open to new insights and ideas, because these will be flooding your way over the next decade. The world will be much different ten years from now, so it is good to begin to open yourself up now to new ideas and begin to accept change. There will be vast differences in the way things are done, the way your society operates, and you are experiencing opportunities now even in your world to relinquish your old habits and patterns of thought and be open to accepting the new. We are not saying that you must adopt everything you see as your own life practice, but we are saying that it would be best and most suitable to humanity for you to take small steps in being more loving and accepting of others, despite whether or not their viewpoints, actions, and identities align with your own.

    You are all doing great work here, and as we have said, those who are the lightworkers have stood in the shoes of those standing in the darkness, as have they stood in the light in lifetimes past. Allow this knowledge to assist you in releasing upset, anger, and judgment, and instead be grateful to all others for accompanying you on this journey and taking on relative roles to help you all clear out karmic energy and integrate new energy. Karma is a phenomenon of lower, physical–heavier we might say–dimensions, and it is being transcended during your ascension process. But the karmic debts, the karmic energies do need to be cleared, so that a fresh slate is provided on which to build anew. Transform the energy that is around you. Give it new vibrations by being conscious and intentional about how you perceive and interact with your world, as well as with yourself. This is key, as you have often heard that your outer world reflects your own inner world. Begin to treat yourself in a manner that is loving, uplifting, and empowering. Make decisions and engage in activities that support your health and vitality. As this becomes your goal for yourselves, you will find that this is the collective desire for all of mankind, and the means to achieve health and vitality for all beings across the world will soon be accomplished.

    We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

    (Channeled by Alyssa Freeland)

  • “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

    We are here in the ninth dimension looking upon your world with great adoration and appreciation of each of you. It is not easy, taking on the karmic cycles and lower frequency energies and transforming them into energies that are much more positive and of light. We here thank you for your efforts, as your experiences are contributing to the collective consciousness of us all. Do know that you are not alone, although you are taking on the grunt work. You are receiving very high frequency energies, and there is information encoded within these energies that is assisting you in your ascension process. It is easy to become disillusioned and weary as you are amidst the transformation process that is underway in the world. Much of the world still operates under 3D principles and ideology, making it more difficult for those of you who are awakened to tolerate being there at this time. Do remember that you chose to be here during this transformational shift, because you sought to help others bridge the gap. You are doing so with your presence, but if you keep yourself grounded and your eyes on where you would like to head, you can best assist those around you with your heightened energy frequencies. It is one thing to know where you are headed and wait around for it to occur, and another thing to maintain the excitement and motivation. This excitement and motivation does upkeep the momentum of the ascension process.

    There are many ways and directions this process can and will go; tune yourself to the version of reality that you do wish and intend to experience. We hear your overall heart intentions to lift yourselves up into the much lighter and ecstatic means of achieving the ascension to the fifth dimension. And so you will. Many of you in this moment are feeling a bit disheartened, and you judge that feeling as failure on your part to be a consistent and dedicated spiritual student. This is not the case. Such “regressions” are a natural part of the process, and are not regressions at all. All things must come up to be healed. Allow yourself some time to acknowledge and heal these things. Do so lovingly, and without judgment, as you know to do. When your vibration falls, you naturally feel disconnected. This is mere illusion, you are never disconnected, but your consciousness does become more distant. All energy is information, and lower frequency information is information that is far off, distant from the truth. Recognize when you feel this way that you are distant from the truth. The truth is that you are loving and powerful beings indeed, and that the things that you are experiencing that don’t necessarily feel so good, are indeed purposeful and valuable to your ascension process. As you receive higher frequency energies and embody them, you also recycle them into the earth. They spread along the gridlines to the places, people, and circumstances where they are needed the most. Because you are awakened and receptive to the energies and the process, you are taking on much of the healing for the collective. You must take on the sickened aspects of the collective mind–the parts that don’t feel so good; this is why you do not always feel good while you undergo this transformation process–lovingly clear them without judgment, accept the new high frequency energies that are upon you to replace the older lower ones, and then return them to the Earth’s grid to be used by all. You are doing a lot of work here. You are not just idly sitting there in your state of disillusionment. What you are doing is endlessly valuable, and it is good for you to know that. Grant yourselves some credit and appreciation. You often do, but in moments like this, we are here to remind you.

    Remember to take some time for yourselves, do the things that you enjoy, spend some time in nature. These activities will assist the higher frequency energies that are replacing the old within you. We have said before, these nonphysical energies often piggyback on the physical energies that are upon you, so soak up some rays of sunshine, allow the wind to caress your skin and hair, embrace your beloved pets and loved ones.

    We thank you for being there on Earth at this time. You are cherished and celebrated by those of us in the higher realms. We eagerly await the timeline in which we will meet in more intermediate frequencies, but until then, know that we remain with you at all times, guiding and bestowing loving, light energies upon you. Simply turn to us when you wish for such guidance, we are listening and responding always, and you can open yourself up to receive our transmissions at any time.

    We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

    (Channeled by Alyssa Freeland)

  • “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

    We in the higher realms are watching with love and with empathy upon the events that are taking place in your world, on your planet today. We want you to know that despite what you see, you are well on your path to a collective rising in consciousness. The human regard toward war is shifting, for the first time in your recorded histories. This is big, and this is something to celebrate. Whether consciously aware of it or not, individuals on Earth are beginning to shift away from the more primitive behaviors and lean into the more compassionate and loving energies. Not all people know how to go about this shift, and that is understandable, as the systems that remain in place are not conducive to carrying out this shift in consciousness at this time. We are not proponents for a widespread and violent dismantling of these systems, but rather an increase in dialogue. You will see that there are many people who share the same perspective, and that is one that is again more compassionate and loving.

    It is helpful to practice applying this outlook toward your immediate world and environment. That includes your familial relationships, social relationships, work, community, and so on. As you practice, encourage those around you to do the same. While this collective mindset shift is accomplishing wonders for this world, integrative behaviors will do even more. It is important to embody these concepts. Do this for yourself, and when more and more people begin to, it will become the new norm for the world. You are much closer to peace on your planet than you think. You may be doubtful as you look upon what is presented on your news channels today, but understand that this major event—one that many of you thought you would never encounter in your lifetime—is a catalyst. It is meant to help the final few pop their heads out of the sand. To wake up and say, “This is not of the world I live in. What is going on? How can we stop this?” And in looking for this answer, they will come to find the truth. They will be led to people like you, and taught the ways to adapt their minds, behaviors, and actions to accommodate this new energy that is among you.

    The implementation factor is something that is of great importance at this time. It is one thing to absorb these new energies, another thing to consciously play with them, and a whole other matter to incorporate them into action, into behavior modification. Habits are sticky, and it does require effort not to slip back into the previous ways of thinking that have had ongoing momentum for so many years. It takes effort to shift. But it can be as easy as flipping a switch. You cannot go backward in your evolution, and there will come a point when you become aware enough to see that you simply cannot go back to the way you were living before. Things that were once tolerable to you will no longer be tolerable, and that will simply be that. We are seeing this occur among many people on the planet right now. Systems that have been known to be ineffective and even harmful have been ignored and allowed to continue because they seemed daunting to correct, and because they did not seem to immediately affect the everyday lives of the majority. But they do affect the everyday lives of the majority. You just have become so accustomed to the ways of these systems that they have become normal to you, and you have tolerated them. Many of you will tolerate them no more. And we caution the approach that you take to address these systems the moment that they do become intolerable to you. Resistance feeds energy into that which you wish to overcome. Do not resist. Create anew. Utilize the higher frequency energies that are among you not only to strengthen your personal vitality and resolve, but to glean inspiration from. There are many civilizations throughout the galaxy that incorporate systems in their societies that will serve you well, and the energies that you are absorbing carry information that holds the blueprints of these more effective systems.

    Begin to incorporate these ideas through trial and error, and see what comes of it for you. You are powerful creators; do not underestimate your ability to create that which you wish to see in the world. When effective formulas come about, they will yield much support and take off. We are talking about in your socioeconomic systems. We are talking about food, pure clean water, and essential resources (and more) being made available to every individual on your planet. This is absolutely possible, and you are much closer to getting there than you may imagine. So be open to the insights from the downloads that you are receiving, and put them to good use. Start small. Begin in your household. Share your methods with your friends and your community. These methods will gain traction and attention. The world you are creating is empowering to all beings. It is nurturing in that it provides every element of support necessary to allow all people to turn their attention away from survival and having basic needs and comforts met, and toward conscious, inspired creation.

    We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

    (Channeled by Alyssa Freeland)

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