“Free Your Mind and the Rest Will Follow”

Consider the state of the world today. The hell in a hand basket stuff that keeps the news anchors occupied. You don’t need me to tell you that something, obviously, is not working. Scratch that. The laws of the universe are working—they always are working. However they are not always working in our favor. How then, do we get them to work in our favor??

It is important to understand the way the universe works, the way creation works, and the way healing works. All of this is directed by the mind: both conscious and subconscious. Its algorithm is a fusion of thought and emotion collectively generating more of the same. The way to optimize this algorithm is through intention, through the heart and mind operating in concert in alignment with truth.

“All of the things you see around you in your world that are not of love are not created by [the universe]. They are created by the lower realms of the human mind, which you call the ego, and that is what causes your suffering. You are a blending of the light and the dark. You are a blending of the ego and spirit, and it is only through focusing your mind on that which is spirit, on that which is of the higher vibration, that you will transform your life into that which is a miracle, into that which is in the realm of the elevated, angelic, miraculous, and powerful. You all want this. You all want to experience this, and you all are capable, but you must break your unhealthy habits of thought” (Spalding, Great Minds Speak to You, pp. 168).

So what is the truth? The truth is that all is love. That’s it—honest truth. Every single thing we see is either love, or the absence of love. A demonstration of love, or a call for love.

Society is currently operating under a dualistic view, but we must shift to understand that the laws of the universe are nondualistic. In the dualistic view, there is the idea of birth and death, good guys versus bad guys, and an aggressive world that is external from you, from which you must defend yourself. In the nondualistic view however, there is only one energy - love. In every situation, love is either flowing, or love is being blocked. The truth is that each one of us in our own way is blocking love energy. We each would not be a body on this earth plane if we were not blocking love because this earth plane is a place and experience of separation, not unencumbered love. We each are a divine aspect of the universal mind exploring consciousness, having this opportunity to experience everything that is entertained in our collective mind. To truly grow, we must learn how to remove the blocks to the awareness of love’s presence.

What we need is a complete mental power wash.

This requires taking a hard and honest look at our societal structures and influences. Well, let’s be clear: our minds are the true influencers; society and the world is the manifestation of what our minds have collectively created. The cyclical feedback loop is what keeps these events in play, as we observe and judge what we have created (although we interpret it all to be due to external forces), then sink further into low frequencies of judgment and fear and perpetuate more of the same. The reason that this continues to occur is because we do not recognize the creative power of our minds. We have not been taught this.

Because of the millennia of training we have had in our societies that teaches that we are one little individual body, that we are weak, that we have no influence, and that we only have one vote every four years and that is the only way we can change the world, we have created these regimes that reflect back to us our belief in our littleness. We perpetuate the continuation of these programs and institutions. The reason oppressive regimes have gotten so large is because so many of us are pouring the energy of our indoctrinated consciousness of smallness into this. We are misusing our free will to feed the machines of consumption, war, and destruction, and we do not even realize it.

Free your mind. Our mental overhaul begins with this very concept. It is time for true evolution to occur, a spiritual awakening that reinstates mankind with his purpose, with his creative energy, with his universal connection and inheritance.

The most effective moment is the here and now. In fact, it is the only moment that exists. The past is gone, the future is not here. The only moment that exists is now. It is now, in this moment, that you are creating the future. And it is now in this moment that you have the choice: focus on fear or focus on love. Focusing on what is wrong with the world will lower your frequency and cause more of it. We are taught that to not focus on the terrible things that happen in the world would make us bad people, but this is not the case. This is a great misteaching in our world. The way that we can be most effective is to actually focus on the good, on the love, and draw more of like frequency. Live in the moment, where you are, with those around you, and express love.

Okay, so you’re woke and hip to the game. Nice! But how to integrate?

What can you do to make yourself and our world healthier:

Be cognizant of the type of entertainment you consume. Limit mass media. The mass media systems are what are increasingly causing the disturbances and disruptions in our minds, and these disturbances and fears are what are keeping these negative systems at play in the world. Limit exposure to (or, ideally, eliminate) violence portrayed in movies, television, and video games, as this is very low frequency energy that serves a purpose opposite of that of spiritual expansion, but rather causes mass desensitization among the people in order to suit the war-driven agenda adopted by those in power.

Consume healthy, organic foods from humane and benevolent sources.

Be aware of where you are spending your money; make purchases for goods and services from companies and organizations whose values and methods you have researched and wish to support. This is big—the companies to which we give our financial support are the companies that will grow. Choose wisely.

Spend more time in nature. Step away from televisions and out of the elaborate boxes in which we have enclosed ourselves, and immerse yourself in the natural environment.

Engage in creative activities. It is through creation that you are most in alignment with your spirit. This is where inspiration flows, and how new insight and ideas come about. Creative engagement is a very high-vibrational activity and its energy ripples throughout the world.

Engage in introspection. Self awareness gives us the power to intentionally and positively influence outcomes.

Recognize situations where there is a call for love, and infuse love into that situation.

Make the decision to begin to shift and change your consciousness, knowing that the world is going to begin to provide a different reflection. It starts with us. allow spiritual intuition to take the lead. All of the actions above will assist you in raising your frequency, which will lead to more nourishing, joyful, and fulfilling manifestations. As collective creators on this planet we must attend to our own frequency, to our own relationship with love, with health, and with creativity. The creative force that you call God, or spirit, or love, or energy, or the universe is a benevolent, loving, ever-extending energy that is always, always flowing. When you feel alone, frightened, abandoned, anxious, or any unpleasant feeling, you have cut off your connection to that benevolent energy, which is life force—that loving, joyful force that makes you feel alive. Each moment notice: am I aligned with this force? Take a step toward it. Baby steps, that’s all that is required. One conscious and intentional decision at a time, begin to free your mind, and watch as the rest follows.


Spalding, T. L. (2013). Great Minds Speak to You. Light Technology Publishing.


Oh, What a Wonderful(ish) World - The World is What You Make It