Oh, What a Wonderful(ish) World - The World is What You Make It
Do you ever find yourself burnt-out, unsatisfied, or disillusioned with the world? Do you ever feel like you do not belong here?
The world in which we exist on this Earth plane is based on separation. That is the foundation of this place. Yet you come from love, wholeness, and oneness, and this is why you feel as if you do not belong.
A very wise metaphysical teacher named Jesus spoke the truth about the world, stating:
“It is not your natural home. [The world] is not the place where you feel at peace; it is not the place where you feel the love, joy, and magnificence of this universe that has so much to offer you, so much to give to you that wishes to flow to you every minute of every day” (Spalding, Great Minds Speak to You, pp. 163).
It is no wonder then that so many of us feel disillusioned at times, if not much of the time. Human beings tend to seek continuously outside ourselves for the next thing that might bring us closer to feeling whole or complete, all the while feeling endlessly dissatisfied with ourselves, with those around us, and with the world. We tend to think that there is something wrong with us for feeling this way, but the simple truth is that this is a natural reaction to simply living within this world that we find ourselves in. We come from love and unity, but this is often invisible to us because we live in the world of separation and we value the world. Yes, it is a crazy place we find ourselves in, but do we not desire a lot of it? Do we not lust after and chase aspects of it?
So you might ask, “If this world is not our natural home, why are we here?” The answer is that there are many levels of development in the realms of consciousness. You wish to achieve higher goals that you have set for yourself in your pre-life contract. You wish to achieve enlightenment. You wish to awaken your entire self. We are all on this journey to elevation, to self-realization, to understanding the magnificence of the universe.
So again, you might ask: “But why am I here? If the universe is so vast and eternal, why were we set here in this world to achieve all this?” You have heard before that the outer world is a reflection of your inner world, of your mind. This is a weighty concept, but it is true. If you think about our purpose—to work out concepts in the mind until we come to a place of complete peace brought by true understanding, called enlightenment—it makes great sense that we would be given a playground that plays out the events within our minds on a grand stage for us to see, judge, and evaluate. The reason the world is in the less-than-ideal condition it is in is simply because our minds tend to be in less-than-ideal conditions.
“There are many other realms you will move on to once you have finished in this one, but you cannot move on until you have cleansed your heart, soul, and mind of the untruths that exist within your heart, within your belief systems, and within your thought processes. You must cleanse yourself — not as a moral judgment but as an understanding of the way the universe creates. It creates through thought, focus, and emotion, and it is within your power to create the world you wish for” (Spalding, 2013).
When humanity has successfully cleared all untruths from the mind, and lives from a mental state of peace and genuine desire for growth and wellbeing among mankind, the world will reflect this with an idyllic environment that is in complete and harmonious operation. This is the gift that the world offers us: it is holding up a mirror to ourselves. How do you know if you are on the right track? If you are learning, if you are growing? Look at your life. Look at your environment. Do you enjoy what you see? Is your life stimulating, fueled by joy and passion? Are your relationships healthy and uplifting? Is your job something you enjoy? Do you have meaningful accomplishments to share? Or are you unimpressed by your life? Do you seem to face the same struggles day after day, year after year, decade after decade? When you fail to conquer a particular lesson, the universe continues to serve up more and more opportunities. The form may differentiate into various situations, but the underlying issue is the same. This occurs by grand design. There is no mean-spirited power out to get you. Simply, your energetic frequency is drawing these situations to yourself. The Law of Attraction demands it. You endlessly draw to yourself situations and events that are of like frequency to your own.
“As you raise your vibration up and as you transform, initially, your own internal world, that will then begin to manifest in your external world, and you will eventually begin to transform the world. If you all do this in concert, if you all do this together, if you all do this as a statement of your desire for a transformed world, then indeed the world will transform. It will have no choice, for you are the ones who create it. You are the ones who create the good, the bad, and the ugly in this world in which you exist” (Spalding, 2013).
This is the Law of Attraction. Frequency attracts like frequency. So yes, when you look around, you will find things taking place in this world for which you perceive reason for judgment, reason for fear. But you will also find immense beauty, moments of light, moments of deep connection. There is much change occurring in the world right now. Great evolution is taking place. Technology now allows the dissemination of information to occur around the world almost instantaneously. Ideas are being shared across the globe, and as people are exposed to more and more information, there is an aspiring dedication to find truth. People are becoming increasingly open-minded and are seeking to expand their view and knowledge. They are considering information and perspectives that had not previously been revealed to them in their limited upbringing. Human beings are learning to tune in to themselves, and are opening up to their creative energy more and more. Spirit is better able to communicate and offer higher guidance when a person is aligned with their creative energy. People are finding and revealing truth, piece by piece, and peace by peace.
So look around very often and ask yourself, “Is this what I want to spend my life doing? Do I want to spend my life chasing after transitory idols as the educational and marketing systems on this planet have trained me to? Or would I rather focus on the trip Home? In having a pure and true life aligned with love while I am here?”
Be grateful for this world, for it holds immense beauty. It is generous in its energy, providing us everything we need while in these physical bodies, and breathtaking landscapes above and below in which to gaze, ponder, ground ourselves, and play. It allows us to practice and engage our creative power. It allows us to be in relationship. When you see something taking place in the world that you do not like, acknowledge it. Bless it. Delicately offer it some of your light and truth. Indeed do this delicately, do not greet it with the same fear and hatred that it represents. Every event is either a display of love or it is a call for love. So bless it, grant it that love it lacks, and be grateful for it, for it serves a higher purpose. Everyone is on their own learning curve. The beautiful thing is that someone who appears to be operating on the lower end of the spectrum is simultaneously one of your greatest teachers. What gift are they offering you? What possibility of growth? Is there an opportunity here to better express love, your true self? Begin to see life this way, and you will naturally feel better. You will raise both your personal frequency and the frequency of the collective, attracting brighter and better things for yourself, the planet, and all of its inhabitants. The world will indeed begin to shine more vibrantly, heralding the wonderful world that it is.
Above all else, remember this: You are not here to be disillusioned with the world. You were not created for that. You were created to rise above the world. You were created to be a beacon of light to those who are so deeply immersed in this 3D life paradigm. You are here to align with the higher principles that transcend Earth, time, and space. If you’ve read this far, you are one who understands the bigger picture. You know that guilt, sacrifice, and suffering are unnecessary, and instead offer forgiveness, healing, and even miracles to others, because these things are yours to give. You bless yourself and those around you as you ascend the ladder toward the light that is your natural Home, day by day, step by step. You radiantly guide the way for others, and I thank you for walking with me on this journey Home.
Read on for how-to steps on transforming mindset and raising personal frequency in “Free Your Mind and the Rest Will Follow.”
Spalding, T. L. (2013). Great Minds Speak to You. Light Technology Publishing.